Thursday 7 July 2016

Finding Love

So this is my 23rd post. The number 23 has always held a special meaning for me, maybe because my own Birthday falls on a 23. Watch the movie 'number 23' if you haven't already. Amazing to see Jim Carrey portray such an intense character.

Coming to the point. What is love and how do you find it? My own parents found each other and I'm glad they did ( not because I was an eventual result but because there is nothing more beautiful than two people fitting together in harmony) Does the soulmate exist? For some it's a myth and for others, their cherished fantasies brought to life.

I'm sceptical about love but at the same time there is nothing more I would want. But I'm so tired already of learning the steps of the dance, figuring out how to dance with each person, only to fumble and lose my footing.

What about the ones who haven't found their so called soulmate? Are they leading a life any less unfulfilled? Does being content not be enough?

I think finding love is having the courage to keep dancing until you find the right partner. Sure you need practise but eventually your step falls in line with your partner. Maybe it's all an adjustment to fool yourself into thinking that this is a good dance.

I'm not sure if I want a wild tango or a steady waltz. But I do know that someday I want to dance with someone who can keep up with me, no matter the tempo.